Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Sprouting table, update, and veggie sandwiches....

NOTE:  To those that read this post on your phone, through school, or email you may not see the pictures in the post.  To see the actual blog you need to go to:


I needed a sprouting table.  So, I built one.  It took me about an hour.  I used 1x2x8's and small drywall screws.  I needed to have an area for my seedling to grow.  The ground out back was not cutting it anymore. 

My wife now has summer plans for me to build her some inside furniture.  No, not with 1x2x8's

The next few pictures are some of the plants at this time.  The peppers seem to be doing really well.  The zucchini and Swiss chard are doing well.  The tomatoes are not.  You can see in the picture they have dark brown spots all over them.  My preliminary research leads me to a Calcium deficiency.  I have placed a small filter with calcium carbonate inside the hole that will slowly diffuse calcium carbonate where the tomato sits to see if there is any change.  In order to truly test this I either have to add calcium throughout the system or take the tomato out into a testing area.  We will see which direction I go.

Bell Peppers

Anaheim chiles

tomatoes.  No bueno

brown spots on tomatoes. 
Swiss chard
Below is a harvest of some vegetables.  I have Swiss chard, Pak Choi, and a tall Romaine lettuce stalk.  The Pak Choi were over harvested.  The Romaine grew too high due to overcrowding.  I have different spacing setting in the rafts and obviously it was too close for the lettuce.  Good to know.  The Swiss chard I cooked up and added it to one our summer favorites, veggie sandwiches.

Swiss chard, pak choi, romaine, pak choi (left to right)

summer veggie sandwiches

The system is continuing to do well.  I have started some other lettuce, pak choi, Swiss chard, leeks, and cucumber seedlings.  I am going to try and get down a rotation for lettuce to harvest it constantly.  That is my next goal.

PS:  The recipe for our summer veggie sandwiches.


sweet potatoes
onions (caramelized)
olive oil, vinegar, salt, and pepper
dressing to your liking (mustard, hummus, ranch, tapatio, etc..)
Swiss chard (only because we harvested it)
Good heavy bread

Prepare a bowl with olive oil, balsamic vinegar, salt and pepper.  Cut sweet potatoes and zucchini into 1/4 inch thin "steaks."  Fire up the barbeque or broiler. Toss the zucchini and sweet potatoes in the oil vinegar medley.  Inside begin to reduce the onions to caramelize.  Start with the sweet potatoes and grill until soft to touch with tongs.  Now the zucchini.  Do not overcook the zucchini, they should be on the precipice of soft and firm. Now the bread.  I either brush or dip the flat side quickly into the olive oil/vinegar and then toast on the grill.  Lastly I cut the chard into small slices and cooked in a frying pan over heat for about five minutes until wilted down.

Build your sandwich.  Quick note.  My wife is a no fat vegan (tough), therefore with her vegetables and bread I do not toss or brush them in the oil/vinegar mix.


Monday, May 21, 2012

School Fieldtrip

NOTE:  To those that read this post on your phone, through school, or email you may not see the pictures in the post.  To see the actual blog you need to go to:

The Fieldtrip

I want to keep this post short.  Last Friday fourteen students (6 high school, 8 middle school) and three teachers stopped by my aquaponics project on the way to their fieldtrip destination.  A group of our highschool students are researching a future aquaponics project for our highschool. 

They arrived in the morning as I explained the set up I had created.  They were taking notes and asking great questions.  What an exciting morning!  Here are some pictures.

My daughter had crazy hair day at school

Our first harvest of Romaine lettuce for our Vegan tacos


Sunday, May 13, 2012

If You Build It They Will Come Part II

NOTE:  To those that read this post on your phone, through school, or email you may not see the pictures in the post.  To see the actual blog you need to go to:

In my first post, If You Build It They Will Come, I had discussed how this project was possibly starting at our school. The project is in a small momentum phase and has initial elements of a movement.

A group of potentially 20 students, two teachers, and our instructional coach (all whom have played critical roles in helping this project) are heading out to Temecula and San Marcos to begin some preliminary work on the establishment of a test aquaponics system at our high school. The students will be stopping by Sun Pro Solar  to research solar capabilities for off-grid growing, a quick stop by my aquaponics system to see the model that they will use, and then on to an aquaponics workshop in San Marcos presented by ECOLIFE Foundation

The "movement" at our high school reminded me of this video. It is short and well worth it, but it also made me reflect on leadership, following, and movement in general.

As a former coach I have always been intrigued by the study of leaders and movements.  I am fortunate in my life that I have so many great friends, colleagues, coaches, and family that help mentor me directly or indirectly towards that goal.  This year has challenged every fiber of my being but that is expected when one steps out and wants to lead, follow a leader, or inspire a vision.

I was able to help mentor a good friend as of late in regards to this topic.  He has made a decision that many do not understand.  He obtained a leadership position that nobody thought he would obtain.  He was not a topic of conversation until he put his hand in the air and said, "I want to lead!"  We had a tough conversation about things he needed to improve and although grateful that I told him, it rocked his world.  A few days later we talked again and he shared about all the different darts and arrows that he feels are flying at him.  He feels isolated and one can see in his eyes a mental draining. You could see the questioning of his decision that caused all of this.

He asked me a key question, "Why hasn't anyone said anything to me before?"

I told him the reason was because he decided to step out and lead. Before his decision he was just in the crowd but now he stepped out and put himself out for all to see.  Now everyone has something to say, an opinion, a suggestion, recommendation, negative comments, and talk about how he is going to fail.  He was in the crowd, insignificant, and now everyone has an opinion.  We all do it.  It is just a part of the game.  He must continue to move forward and trust in his friends to courageously stand up, follow, and teach others around them to follow.

So, as was stated in the video, "leadership is over glorified... when you find a lone nut doing something great, have the guts to have the courage to stand up and join in......."

Fishboy out......